About us

Our Philosophy

We believe that the gap between Beethoven, The Beatles, and Bob Marley have long been overlooked in traditional music education. Aspiring musicians shouldn't have to choose between the technical competency that comes with Classical training, or the theoretical knowledge that comes from contemporary genres such as Jazz, Rock, Blues, Gospel, Soul, and more! We believe in delivering each student a comprehensive approach to music that leaves no stone untouched...from note reading, improvisation, song writing, music history, and everything in between. You'll be an expert at both your instrument, and the music!

Our Approach

Our approach is Simple!

First, we take a look at your music goals.

Then, we place our students on a customizable regimen to ensure the best results in the shortest amount of time. We don't mind spending the extra minute, answering the extra question, going the extra mile!

Lastly, we offer top quality lessons and teaching at an affordable price and a convenient format. All of our teachers are degreed musicians with over 10 years experience on their perspective instruments! We take pride in connecting you with the right teacher that will fit your style, schedule, and personality!


A fundamental part of learning to master any new language is learning to read! The language of music is no different. We believe it's crucial for our students to be fluent in all areas of music including note reading. Weather you're a total beginner, or a seasoned vet who never got the chance to go back and learn how to read the notes...we believe that having this crucial skill will greatly impact you're ability to learn music quickly and accurately! Don't be afraid of those fortissimos, pianissimos, al codas, and ostanato baselines...we'll make it all make sense!

Music Theory

Wait..there's numbers in music?!?! That's right! Music Theory is the How and Why behind all music and sound. Our teachers are experts at harmony, rhythm, subdivision, chordal harmony, improvisation, and much more! Your instructor will show you how to do a full analysis of any song (yes, even you're favorite song) and apply advanced musical concepts to gain deeper understanding as to what the composer and/or arranger was thinking! You'll learn all of the in's and out's of chordal harmony and the difference between a 1-4-5 and a 2-5-1. Soon, you'll be in the drivers seat composing and arranging your own tunes!

instrument technique

Of course, all the literature and theoretical knowledge in the world is great! But technique is where we put it all together. We take our crafts seriously, and to ensure to best results, we train with the same level of intensity as any athlete or scholar. Proper technique allows us to play faster, smoother, more powerfully, and with control..all while preventing injury! Our teachers care as much about your safety as we do your playing ability.

An Online Music Learning Academy